Friday, June 09, 2006

Happy 15th Anniversary, Dennis... I love you..

15 years ago I married my confidant, my hard-working, strong, irresistibly gorgeous best friend...

I would do it all over again.

The road hasn't always been easy for us. We have struggled from young kids in love living their dreams to mature adults whose lives now take a back seat to the life and dreams of the two beautiful children we created.

When I look back over the past 15 years I feel extreme joy and flickers of sadness.

Together we have weathered our fair share of storms...

The death of your Mom
The death of my Dad
Buying our own home
Surviving times with no money
Our separation
Building unbreakable bonds with Connie & Jim and Elaine & Dale
The birth of our two beautiful children

Though it is easier to remember the ugliness what makes us different is that the end there is ALWAYS

You and Me

Through both laughter and tears I have never questioned that you were the man for me.

You are my heart
My soul
My gentle rain
My warm sun
The beauty in my everyday
The air that I breathe

If I were to die today you should know that I have had a wonderful life. I have been given the gift of our beautiful children. I have known complete joy. I have felt true happiness. I have loved and been loved...

Thank you for giving me those gifts
Thank you for sharing them with me.

So today on our 15th wedding anniversary,
When we are miles apart...
I want you to know that you are here with me.

Because I carry you in my heart.

I love you Dennis
Happy Anniversary



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