Wednesday, February 06, 2008

White Out!

Been MIA for awhile.
Staying away from the computer and investing time in creative stuff.

Brother doing well. Thanks for the prayers :)

Snowing like mad here.
Insane white stuff!
About an inch an hour now.

Here is some photos from my little piece of the world today...In all it's white glory.


grungedandy said...

Yah snow, we have no snow! Snow is pretty until you have to do stuff in it like go to work. I wish we had snow & I was still a kid but it’s not really gonna happen oh well glade your bro is ok will keep him in my thoughts as well as you take care Seeya hugya *G*

zakkalife said...

the snow pictures are beautiful, I wish it would snow here once in awhile, but that's not the case, sigh


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