Monday, January 15, 2007

And Life begins anew...

No matter how crazy, ugly, and trying life can be there are the times that remind you of what a gift it is just to be alive.

Introducing the newest member of our family...

Reese Elizabeth

Reese is the first born child of my nephew Brandon and niece-in-law Jen.
Congrats Brandon and Jen! We love you SO much! And can NOT wait to get our hands on that amazing little girl...
Isn't she beautiful!
A gorgeous 8 lbs and 2 ozs
With lots of black hair under her adorable pink newborn hat.

Brandon has diabetes and was told he would never be able to have children.
After many months of talking, counseling from their minister and God, they decided to adopt.
One month later they found out Jen was pregnant!

A gift..
A precious newborn gift.

This is what makes life worth living!


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